
A Thunderball application is built and extended by hooking up various ions. Ions are really just plugins/modules for Thunderball applications. Ions can provide the following:

  • Browser Pages
  • Static Asset Directories
  • Express Middleware

Other extension points will be added over time

Ion Configuration

Example configuration for hypothetical 'home' page

module.exports = {
  name: 'Home',                               // The ion name
  browser: {
    page: {
      path: '/home',                          // The URL path
      createRoutes: './browser/createRoutes', // Path to the ion's createRoutes file
      injectors: [
        './homePageInjectors'                 // An array of paths to injector files
      // How to configure server side rendering (overwrites or merges values with ssr config in config.js)
      'ssr': {
        // Whether or not to render the body (default: true)
        renderBody: true,
        // Whether or not to use http steaming (default: false)
        useStreaming: false,
        // Define caching during server side rendering
        caching: {
          // Whether or not to memoize objects such as redux store, default state, etc (default: true)
          memoize: true,
          // Function to determine the cache key for rapscallion caching the entire page body (default: '(req) => url.parse(req.url).pathname')
          // Return 'undefined' to use no caching
          // If you have custom initial state, you may want a more complex cache key
          getCacheKey: (req) => url.parse(req.url).pathname
        // Define an object containing the http headers to use when getting the page
        // This is merged with header config from the client
        // Most useful for setting headers such as 'cache-control'
        headers: {
          'cache-control': 'public, max-age: 7000'
        // An array of strings or functions producing strings to inject before the page body
        // Useful for defining <script> tags
        beforeBody: [],
        // An array of strings or functions producing strings to inject after the page body
        // Useful for defining <script> tags
        afterBody: [],
        // Implement this function to determine initial state to store in redux for each page
        // Be sure to cache or memoize values
        // This function must return a Promise that resolves into a javascript object that is merged into the redux state
        getInitialState: async ((req, appConfig = {}) => {
          const port = appConfig.port || 8000;

          // We need absolute url since this is running the the server and has no idea where express routes are
          const result = await fetch(`${port}/foo/bar`, { allowOnServer: true, timeout: 500 });
          const bar = await result.json();
          return {
            foo: {
  staticDirectories: [                        // An array of static directories used by the ion
      dir: './static',                        // The directory that contains the static content 
      path: '/home/static'                    // The URL route where the static content will be hosted
  middleware: [
    ' ./homeMiddleware'                         // An array of paths to middlewares used by the ion

Configuring: Browser Pages

  • path: [string or array] A string or array of strings defining the url path that will navigate to the page.
  • createRoutes: [string] A string defining the location of the file that exports the createRoutes method. This method takes in the redux state and returns a Route element with child routes to Views.
  • injectors [array]
  • props: [object]

Configuring: Static Asset Directories

The staticDirectories element of ion configuration is an array of staticAsset objects with the following fields:

  • dir: [string]
  • path: [string or arrray] A string or array of strings defining the url path that will navigate to the static asset directory.

Configuring: Express Middleware

The middleware element of ion configuration is an array of strings that represent the relative paths to the definitions of each middleware.

Example 1

This middleware acts like an API. Any GET request to /hello will hit this middleware and return a 'Hello World' object. This could be modified to make a database call or any other operation normally associated with an Restful API. It could even be used to stub out mock apis until a final backedn is complete.


module.exports = {
  middleware: [


module.exports = (manifest, ions, app) => {
  return (req, res, next) => {
    if (req.method === 'GET' && req.path.toLowerCase() === '/hello') {
      res.send(200, {
        message: 'Hello World'

Example 2

This middleware listens for all requests and logs the request time as well as adding it to a X-Request-Time header to all responses.


module.exports = {
  middleware: [


module.exports = (manifest, ions, app) => {
  return (req, res, next) => {
    const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString();
    console.log(`Request to '${req.path}' was made at '${timestamp}'`);
    res.setHeader('X-Request-Time', timestamp);

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    No results matching ""